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What we do

AlhamdInstitute has built a level of trust and confidence among its existing and aspiring students due to the launch of innovative but effective study and work plans. Here it is more of a proverbial way to say that it takes years to build a reputation and integrity in this world full of all sorts of competition, but to maintain that level and keep on upgrading that is much more difficult…! But the leading research university of Pakistan has done it with success, and due to the dedication and excellence of Its Principal “Professor Dr. Hafiz Muhammad Noman” always having a vision and implementation of research and mentorship programs for student success as a focal point.
AlhamdInstitute management ensures that its students are hired as internees, trainees, or no-job trainees at best marketplaces. Under the 3U1M Program, students are encouraged to learn in the open market, to gain firsthand experience as to how to execute their studies into practice. So, almost all students get a great job offers even before having their final degrees in hand. Isn’t it a great deal to be part of such a leading university of Pakistan where students are treated like Super Heros, and their career establishment is the top priority set by the University’s Rector…